Friday, September 16, 2011

A Girl, A Guy, and a Ninety Pound Lab

I'm not entirely sure how to start this blog entry so I'm just going to jump right in and maybe change the intro when I have written the body and conclusion. Or maybe I won't. We'll see.

Life is going by so fast. I can barely keep up it seems. Clint has been taking classes here at Southwestern for about three weeks now. He's doing great. He studies hard and it's paying off. His hardest class is definitely Greek but we both know that once he gains a good understanding of it, it will help so much in interpreting and sharing the Gospel.

Clint has been and continues to be the best husband to me. I've been under the weather for quite some time now and I'm amazed at how well he takes care of me. I mean, he takes care of me pretty well when I'm in good health so when I'm sick it's like "second drink!" <--This is a quote from The Office so if you don't watch that show, just read it as "an added bonus." He also tolerates and is slowly learning to love my wonderfully sweet but horribly flatulent lab, Carl. Seriously, it's bad. Carl can produce smells that literally make your eyes water and your gag reflex trigger. And in a one-bedroom apartment, those smells tend to linger. It has caused many nights of laughter and I'm a little bit thankful for that (the laughter, not the gas). All that to say, Clint is definitely the man for me and God continues to show me that daily whether it be through dog "poots" as my grandpa says or through homemade dinners when I come home from work.

Speaking of work, it seems to be going pretty well so far. I'm meeting new people and learning the ropes. There seems to be things that come up everyday that I don't know how to handle by myself, but I like that. It keeps me on my toes and provides me with challenges in which to grow. Unfortunately, I've had to take two sick days. I HATE calling in sick, especially when starting a new job. I've been getting terrible migraines that occasionally cause my face to swell and now that all of our health insurance is sorted out, it's time to visit the neurologist. Perhaps more than being sick, I HATE going to the doctor. So if you are praying people and have a relationship with Christ, I'd appreciate your prayers. (Yet another reason why Clint is such a great husband-- without him, I probably wouldn't go to the doctor.)

One of the speakers in Chapel spoke on "rejoicing in your thorns." I've been trying to focus on that and tell myself that somehow and in some way, God is going to use these migraines to grow me, make me more compassionate, and that He will in some way open up doors to spread the Gospel. In fact, upon writing this, I believe God is telling me to begin praying that God would send someone my way during my neurologist visit to share Jesus with and that I would be aware of that person. Too often I recognize divine appointments after they have already passed. Thank you, Lord, for being so patient with me.

Clint and I continue to visit local churches. There are so many choices, sometimes the biggest challenge is just picking one. We have one front-runner at the moment but have decided to visit a few other churches before going back to that one. Be prepared! When visiting new churches, some will send people to your house to visit without letting you know ahead of time. I'm not saying don't let them in, I'm saying don't wear sweat pants and a low-cut tank top when they come visit. (Or maybe just teach your husband to wait to open the door until you at least put on a t-shirt. Haha...he knows now!) Also, I just have to say that when our church visitors came, I was honestly praying that Carl wouldn't pass another poot. The dog has absolutely no discretion. None. The good Lord answered my prayer though and Carl kept the silent but deadly intruders at bay.

Ohhh it's all just another day in the life of Clint and Kaley Johnson. The good Lord and a sense of humor is what seems to be carrying us. And that is a-okay by me.

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