Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Honeymoon Bliss

Well, folks, I've done it. I have started a blog. I feel as though I need to say this right away so that all of you eager readers don't get your hopes up: I was never very good at keeping up with a diary or journal as a kiddo (or as a teenager...or as a "young adult") so I can't guarantee that I'll keep this up either. So just keep your expectations low and you should be okay.

The main purpose of this blog is to keep my family and friends updated on my new life as Mrs. Kaley Johnson. Prior to moving to Fort Worth, this was fairly easy as I could spend as much time on facebook as I wanted (creep,creep, creep!) and had plenty of time to pick up the phone and talk to whomever I wanted pretty much whenever I wanted (But let's be honest, I usually only pick up my personal phone for my momma). I now have a job that keeps me busy and a husband that I share my home with. [[For those of you that know me well, you know that I rejoice in my previous statement. There are times when I need my space but those times are few and far between.]] So, all that to say this will be my "newsletter" of sorts to anyone interested in reading.

*Also, please be advised that I am a blunt and open person. If my blog is too much information for you, stop reading.

August 6th, 2011:
I married my best friend Clint Johnson. Our wedding was beautiful. Seriously, everything I hoped it would be and more. If you missed it, feel free to watch it here. After the wedding ceremony and reception, we left for XNA to catch our flight to Dallas and then on to Miami, Florida. When we first arrived at XNA, we were informed that our plane was delayed and there was no way we would make our connecting flight to Miami. But no worries! The airline was kind enough to book us a hotel room at the Quality Inn. Just what I always dreamed of - losing my virginity at the Quality Inn.

After waiting a little longer, we were called to the ticket counter and told that we were in fact going to make our connection! Oh, what a relief that was for me. We boarded our flight and settled in for the short trip to Dallas. Let me just say that it was quite obvious that we had just got married due to my white dress and veil upon my head. I was exhausted so I tried to use that hour to catch a quick cat nap although 30 minutes of it I was just laying there with my eyes closed. While laying there, I heard the flight attendant offer my husband alcohol (on the house) to celebrate. Clint just chuckled and said a coke would be fine. I couldn't help but giggle a little myself. We actually had multiple free offers throughout our flights. I even entertained the idea of wearing my veil on all of my flights for the rest of my life. I mean, "newlywed" is a relative term, right?

We landed in Dallas with a good solid hour before our next flight was scheduled to depart. Things were looking good. We taxied around to our gate and about 10 yards away from our gate, the plane stopped. Five minutes without moving turned in to ten minutes, ten minutes turned in to twenty, and twenty soon became forty-five minutes. With each passing moment on that plane, I could feel what I like to call "bridal rage" growing inside me. The Quality Inn was back in the picture. After a forty-five minutes wait, we sprinted... I don't mean jog, I mean sprinted to our next gate (remember, I'm wearing my veil and dress). I remember one african-american airport janitor yell, "You run, girl! You run!" I appreciated her support and decided maybe I can run even harder. So Clint and I ran harder. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough. We missed our connecting flight by four minutes. Four minutes. 240 seconds.

Disappointment was written all over my face. Random passersby even apologized to the poor bride whose honeymoon plans were crushed (this is overdramatic...I know. Just roll with it.) Fortunately, my wonderful hero-husband stepped up to the ticket counter and told the agent in so many words that the Quality Inn was just not going to happen. Our agent was kind enough to offer up the Marriott. So there I was, sitting outside on a bench in my mother's wedding dress at 10:30pm waiting for the shuttle.

The shuttle arrived and drove us to the hotel where again, my hubby tried to make the best of the circumstances. He explained to the lady at the front desk that we were on our honeymoon and asked if there was anything she could do for us. We soon had our room keys to the Galveston Suite. We could hardly believe our eyes. This suite was sweet! It came complete with bath robes, conference table, king size bed, and of course, a bidet. Looking back, I'm confident God provided us with that bidet. No, we didnt' use it (although I tried really hard to get Clint to) but we so needed that laugh.

We were at the Galveston Suite for only about seven hours (our flight left for Miami at 7am the next morning) but it was a good seven hours. Here's my two cents to the single ladies out there-- men, feel free to skip to the next paragraph. There is no greater tangible gift that you can give your husband than your body, pure and untouched. You are a present, only to be unwrapped by your husband. That's the way God designed it and I can tell you as a married woman, God knows what He's doing.

Our flight the next morning was an early one. While I sat there half asleep waiting to board, I noticed that Clint and I had seat assignments that weren't even close to each other. Yet again, the hubby approached the ticket agent and before long we were sitting in those reclining seats on the airplane waiting for takeoff.

We had a pleasant flight (for me anyway-- I slept through most of it) and landed in the early afternoon. For the next four days we enjoyed Southbeach. Sitting in the sand, wading in the water, visiting the tourist shops, and eating a lot of italian food. The days seemed to fly by and before we knew it, we were flying to our new home in Fort Worth (with much less flight complications I'm happy to say).

In closing, I'd like to point out that I have mentioned several times in this story that my wonderful husband took charge and sorted it out...and he did. And I am so thankful for that. But both Clint and I know that the Lord was watching out for us. He provided. He protected. He spared us from the Quality Inn. Clint and I are blessed beyond measure and my hope with this blog is to share the grace and blesssings that Christ has bestowed upon us so that if you don't see now, you may see in the future what a great God He is.

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