Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tiiiiiiiiime is on my side, YES IT IS!

Another month has come and gone. Sometimes I feel uncomfortable about how fast time seems to pass (I know, I know- it'll only get worse as I get older), but then I remember there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. So why bother feeling uncomfortable? Admittedly, the feeling usually only lasts a good solid 30 to 45 seconds.

On February 6, Clint and I celebrated our 6 month anniversary. We didn't do anything extravagant and that's okay. I feel like if you do all the great things when you first get married, you have less to look forward to in the future. So we continue to dream together about one day taking a cruise and spending more than $30 on a pair of jeans.

We filed our federal taxes and received a much bigger refund than we expected! Most of it went to savings but we splurged and bought ourselves a new queen mattress with part of the refund. I was so glad to see the delivery people pick up and carry our old mattress out the door. It is so wonderful being able to sleep on my side without my knee in the back of Clint. And Clint has yet to sucker punch me in the middle of the night so I'd say so far so good.

In other news, Clint gave his notice and is no longer working at his part-time Church job in Keller, TX. I firmly believe God provided that job when we needed (in fact, it was the same day I lost my job) and I'm thankful that we were able to transition smoothly from my old job to my new job without too much financial burden. However, ultimately we didn't feel that God was calling us to join the church (which was a requirement for Clint's position). We are now attending a closer church and really enjoy it. Pray for Clint as he searches for other part-time employment.

Our baby boy (read: dog) is hanging in there. His poor hips are so arthritic that he walks with a hobble and can't get up very well. His appetite is better than ever, he continues to do his business outside, and he seems to be genuinely happy. As long as that's the case, we'll keep him around. We just don't want him to live in misery. It's dreadful to think about so I'm going to change the subject. <--It's my blog. I can do what I want.

Being a nanny makes me think about what and how I want teach my kids. One thing that I'm particularly thankful for is the fact that my parents taught me to listen. They taught me how to carry on an intelligent conversation. That's not to say all of our conversations were intelligent. One day on the way home, dad said, "Hey Kaley, let's sing the word 'potato' all the way home. Want to?" I agreed and so we sang/yelled. Was that conversation one you would call intelligent? Well that depends on who you ask. I say it was brilliant. Back to the point. It angers me when people spend more time formulating their defense while their opposer is speaking, rather than just listening to the speaker. If you don't have an answer right away, you'll probably have to say something very profound. Something along the lines of, "I don't have an answer right now." I'm all for a healthy debate but this yelling back and forth stuff is ridiculous. And it kind of makes you look like an idiot.

The second thing on a very long list of things to teach my kiddos is to teach them how to apologize. I was terrible at this when I was younger. In fact, I'm still not great at it. I had a genuinely hard time saying the words, "I'm sorry." I hated being wrong. So yes, there will be a point in time where my kids will say I'm sorry. <---- see that little dot there at the end of the sentence? That's it. It ends there. The apology could be made longer by including the word "for" and then an explanation of why they are sorry and then finishing it all off with a "Do you forgive me?" However, the apology cannot be made longer by including the word "but."

Example: I'm sorry for punching you in the face but you kind of deserved it.

No. When apologizing, we should humble ourselves and seek forgiveness for our wrongdoing, rather than justifying our actions and making ourselves feel better by saying "sorry."

I serve one patient God, that's for sure. And I'm so thankful He continues to forgive me even when I'm too busy formulating a response to actually listen to what He's saying.

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