Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sweet with just a pinch of bitter

2011. What a bittersweet 365 days. I'm blessed to say that there is at least some sweet with every bitter moment. Let me elaborate:

1.) Bitter: Cancer. Grandpa spent much of 2011 in battle against Multiple Myeloma (cancer in the bloodstream). He and my grandma spent much of their time in Little Rock for treatment. Consequently, they missed out on visiting family and living their "normal" life. Sweet: With the help of our Lord, Grandpa is kicking his cancer in the tail! Although he can never be in true remission, his numbers are low and he is back home and back to work! Thanks to all who have prayed and are still praying and thanks to God-- to Him be the glory forever!
2.) Bitter: Migraines. I made a visit to the Emergency Room this year. I had a terrible migraine and when I finally got the strength to get up and get some food, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Yikes. I called my dad (didn't want to alarm my mom....she tends to get a little worked up) and told him my eye was almost swollen shut and the rest of my face was puffy. My dad hates going to the doctor as much as I do so I figured he would tell me to just sleep it off. No such luck. Dad said to go the ER. I'm a 24 year old, grown woman. I make my own decisions. But don't nobody argue with my daddy. He says go, I go. So I called my boyfriend (husband now) and he picked me up. My uncle met us at the ER and didn't hide his thoughts. I believe the first statement out of his mouth was, "Kaley, you look like a Klingon." My uncle has such a way with words. Sweet: Although the ER wasn't able to provide me with any answers, the doctor did write me a referral to see a neurologist. After moving to Fort Worth and suffering through a few more migraines, I visited one of those fancy headache doctors and was given some pretty strong medicine that, so far, seems to nip it in the bud. Nip it, nip it, nip it!
3.)Bitter: We moved away from our wonderful Fort Smith family. We attended a church that we loved, enjoyed being close to our family, had some truly wonderful friends, and we left. Sweet: We left because God called us to. That is sweet enough in itself. Related to this move is my personal favorite part of 2011-- Clint and I got engaged and married! You can't get much sweeter than Clinton Thomas Johnson. That's not being mushy, that's just fact. Yes, he may be gullible. Yes, I did convince him one time that I had a miniature pony named Freckles. But darn it, that man is sweet.
4.)Bitter: We moved in August and in November I was laid off from my job. My job that paid well. My job that provided benefits. My job that paid for my husband's tuition. I have never been laid off or fired or asked to leave. Let me tell you- It hurts. I was mad, then sad, then offended, then frustrated, then hopeful, then understanding, then optimistic, then pessimistic, then mad, then sad, then offended, then frustrated, then hopeful again. And the cycle continued. Objectively, I totally understand the situation and I understand why the decision was made. Subjectively, I have a bit of a harder time. Regardless of how I felt or feel, I know that God has a plan and that He would provide. Sweet: And provide He has! The day I lost my job is the same day that Clint accepted a part-time job at a church. And this Monday, I start my new job. A job that will cover the bills, a job that I look forward to going to each day, a job that really doesn't seem like much of a "job" at all.

Oh how bittersweet this year has been. I'm thankful for the bitter because it brings some sweet eventually. And I'm sure that the sweet wouldn't be nearly as sweet if we didn't experience a little bit of the bitter. <-- wow. That belongs on a bookmark.

Now for the part that is totally unrelated to the bittersweet theme. Clint and I got a new 4 inch memory foam mattress topper for Christmas!! We're still on a full size mattress and I kid you not I got punched in the back again by my sweet, apparently cage-fighting husband last night. We don't have more room, but at least we have more comfort.

Well that's all for now. 15 minutes until I "clink" imaginary glasses full of imaginary sparkling cider with my husband and then go to bed. I know,



1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I have a quick question about your blog, would you mind emailing me when you get a chance?


