Wednesday, July 25, 2012

For Richer or Poorer; In Sickness and In Health

In just over a week, Clint and I will celebrate our one year wedding anniversary. I tend to think most couples celebrate and reflect on the amazingly wonderful year that has just passed. For us? Well, we'll be celebrating our survival- not the survival of our marriage (neither of us have any doubt that we'll be married until death do us part)- but the survival of the 365 days that have passed since we said 'I do.'

I don't want this blog post to turn in to a pity party, so I'll keep descriptions short and move along from there to make my point(s).

In our first year of marriage, Clint and I will have survived the following:
  • Moving out of state and out of our comfort zones
  • Losing my job which included benefits that paid for Clint's school as well as health insurance
  • Clint leaving his part-time church job
  • Doctor appointment after doctor appointment after doctor appointment
  • Multiple biopsies, tests and procedures
  • Two surgeries
  • Putting down my sweet dog of almost 11 years

We have been tested physically, emotionally, and spiritually. To be completely transparent, there are days where I find it very difficult to be happy for friends and family who seem to have wonderful thing after wonderful thing happen to them. I settle in to my own little pity party, wallowing in my hardships. When it rains it pours so why bother with the umbrella, right?

I think of all the times we've been burned in the past year. There's just something that cuts so deep, straight to the heart, when you are hurt by a fellow believer or even someone claiming to be. It shakes you. It wakes you up to the depravity of man. And if you're not careful, it turns you into a bitter, judgemental, self-righteous person and throws you in the group with the rest of them.

A year ago, Clint and I could not even imagine what lay ahead. But God knew what was coming. Not one thing in our journey took Him by surprise. God is teaching me that sometimes during hard trials in our life, we can't do much except endure, pray and remember God's promises and commands. Come to Him and He will give you rest (Matt 11:28). God takes care of us and will supply all our needs (Phil 4:19). God is working all things together for good (Rom 8:28). God knows all (Ps 139). Love your neighbor as yourself (Matt 22:39). Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you (Matt 5:44).

It's been a tough year but God is faithful.  And while things seem to be rather difficult and flat out overwhelming at times, we try to focus on the good things: I love my current job, we're not drowning in debt, Clint is excelling and enjoying his new job, we have a roof over our head, food to eat, and a loving church family. Clint and I know the Lord called us to Fort Worth for a reason. He is our foundation and we are choosing to place our trust in Him alone and count our blessings as best we can. Some days are a little more tough than others, but thanks be to God that Clint and I can travel this journey together with Him.

So, Clint, here's to you baby. Thanks for walking with me hand in hand through this difficult year and not just saying those vows on our wedding day, but living them day by day. I love you.