Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It's not gross. It's gorgeous.

A few days ago, I attempted to blog but didn't really feel like I was writing anything worth reading. I was hoping something would come to me as I typed, but in the end nothing came. So here is attempt number two.

March is over which means we are through the first quarter of 2012...which means that I'm one quarter through the Bible. There are several "Read through the Bible in a year" plans online and I found one that has some of the Old Testament and some of the New Testament to read everyday. I'll admit that most Mondays I have to read three days worth but I'm still on schedule and that makes me pretty happy.

I just finished the book of Judges which contains the life story of Samson. Basically, God spoke to Samson's mother and was like, "You're going to have a son. He's going to be rad. Don't cut his hair. I've got big plans for him." Samson was one strong dude. He tore a lion in half with his bare hands. Samson > Chuck Norris. Samson fell in love with a woman named Delilah (or as I like to to say "Dee-lye-luhhhh". Anyone besides me listen to her radio talk show?) Delilah wanted to know the secret to Samson's strength. She asked him, or rather told him, to tell her the secret of his great strength. The story goes on, Samson tells his secret, she turns him in to the Philistines (the enemy), they subdue him, pluck out his eyes, lock him up and then Samson literally collapses a temple with him inside, killing several thousand Philistines and himself. It's really a fascinating story. If you haven't read it, read it here.

Then there's this other story in Judges that talks about this guy (We'll call him Levi) who is traveling with his concubine. The sun is setting so they stop at the nearest town in hopes that someone will let them stay overnight. A kind old man opens his home to them. That night, townspeople pound on the door and ask the old man to send out Levi so they can have sex with him. The old man sends out the concubine instead. The townspeople raped her and beat her all night long. She crawled back to the front of the house and that morning Levi found her dead at the door. He cuts up her body into 12 pieces and sends a piece to each of the twelve tribes of Israel. They unite and wage war on the town. Again, fascinating story found here.

As I'm reading these passages, I find myself excited and thrilled that Samson brought down the temple and killed all those Philistines. I'm waving my foam finger as Israel attacks that perverse town where the concubine was put through unimaginable pain. I'm shouting in my head, "Victory!!" and "Justice!!" and "They got what they deserved!"

As I think on that I realize that this is my biggest blessing: I didn't get what I deserved. By the world's standards, I'm a pretty good person. I go to church. I read my Bible. I don't get drunk or do drugs. I'm nice to other people. I hold the door open for the elderly AND I say bless you when someone sneezes. But living by the world's standards and seeking the world's approval won't save me from eternity in hell. God is a just God. We have all sinned against Him (Romans 3:23). That separates us from God and Heaven. However, God, in his infinite mercy, sent his son Jesus Christ to be crucified so that we may be redeemed. Jesus lived a perfect life on earth and was therefore the only sacrifice that would be worthy, the ONLY sacrifice that God will accept on our behalf. He died for sins I committed. Crucified to pay my ransom then raised from the dead, proving death has no power over Him. HE paid MY debt. And by believing and professing Christ as my Savior, when God looks at me, He doesn't see my sin. He sees me, dripping with the beautiful blood of Christ. I'm covered in it from head to toe. And it's not gross. It's gorgeous.